Niki Sharma


Standing up for the people of Vancouver-Hastings.

Niki is a lawyer and community builder dedicated to making life better for people. Her legal practice focused on representing Indigenous people, including residential school survivors. She is a passionate advocate for reconciliation.
In 2017, Niki worked closely with the BC NDP Minister of State for Child Care, Katrina Chen, to deliver $10-a-day child care for BC families. That plan has already helped parents save thousands of dollars, and Niki is ready to work with David Eby to bring those savings to even more families.
Niki is an active champion committed to helping solve the climate crisis, and will work hard every day with the BC NDP team to reduce our carbon emissions and build a cleaner, stronger future.
As a working mother of two, Niki Sharma knows that during these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to have a government that is focused on helping people.

Living in East Vancouver for over 15 years, Niki has deep connections to the community and will fight for you, to build a recovery that protects people and provides financial security and stability for families.

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